Class date and time: Thursday, August 10, 9:30 – 4:00
Fee $35 plus pattern
Strippity Do-Dah Quilt
This quilt is made using a variety of 2 ½” strips and a single accent fabric. (If you used a Jelly Roll to make the Mondo or Midi Bag, this quilt can be made from your left-over strips; and a combination Mondo Bag and Strippity Do-Dah Quilt make a wonderful baby shower gift!).
The Strippity Do-Dah Quilt is great if you need a quick project or simply want to practice your ¼” seam allowance; and it can be made from any number of strips (the sample has 26). In this class, we’ll teach you how to figure out the yardage for the accent fabric, backing, and binding based on whatever size you choose, as well as some tricks to sewing long strips together and how to avoid the dreaded bowing that often happens.
This quilt goes together so quickly that it’ll be ready for quilting before you leave.