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Kimberbell Dealer Exclusive Class

When: June 21st, 9:30 to 4:30

Cost: $45. Includes Designs and Kits (please bring a lunch)

Instructor: Carol Sciarini

Supply List

Machine Embroider by Number: Love at Home

Machine Embroider by Number: Love at Home

Heart-shaped wisps of smoke coming from the chimney say there is "Love at Home" in this Kimberbell original Embroider by Number project. Crosshatch quilting on the large and medium sizes is sewn to perfection in-the-hoop with optional ribbon loops for hanging the little quilt. The small size is just right for a pin cushion or ornament.


Sage Owl Oven Mitt

Sage Owl Oven Mitt

There are two definitions for the word sage. One meaning wisdom and good judgment, as in sage advice. The other, a savory culinary herb popular in meat and poultry dishes. Take our advice and serve up a spicy dish for your family with these adorable owl oven mitts. In three sizes, for holding saucepan handles to a cast iron skillet, your fingers fit just inside the wings. We've stitched our owls with Woolies flannel and recommend a layer of insulated lining like Insul-Bright for use as a hot pad or oven mitt.


Life is Sweet Tea Towel

Life is Sweet Tea Towel

From strawberry shortcake or strawberry jam, dipped in chocolate or frosty daiquiri, life is sweeter with strawberries. This delightful tea towel captures all the cuteness of a red ripe strawberry. With our innovative technique for Over-the-Edge applique, fabric is placed on both the front and back of the tea towel hem. A layer of flexi foam is sandwiched in between the fruity fabric pieces which gives dimension and makes the embroidered strawberries seem almost real. Enjoy every delicious stitch!


Earlier Event: June 20
Bernina Creative Studio
Later Event: June 24
Annual Truck Load/Summer Sale